The Uber ExperimentI started as a rideshare driver as a way to make money and because I needed something to do. I didn’t expect to enjoy it. I didn’t expect…Feb 3Feb 3
What is Social Innovation?This is the most common question I get after telling people that I have a Master’s Degree in Social Innovation. Social Innovation means…Jul 21, 2023Jul 21, 2023
A New HegemonyWhat started out as personal development became a spiritually healing experience that transformed my life; mainly because I learned to love…Jun 25, 20231Jun 25, 20231
When I didn’t think I could do it.The day that HR sat me down and told me that they’d be terminating my contract… I told my coworkers, “I’m a hustler.” In response to their…Jun 25, 2023Jun 25, 2023
Response to: Greening the Ghetto 17, 2021Feb 17, 2021
Today is the first day in 13 years that I’ve felt like myself.It’s been about 13 years probably, since I felt like myself. There was only a short window of time that I can say I was truly standing and…Nov 6, 2020Nov 6, 2020
Community Activism in Response to Dehumanization & Policing MethodsThe following was written and researched in the Fall of 2019 for a Graduate School course as I pursue my Master’s Degree in Social…Jun 8, 20202Jun 8, 20202
Hope, Change, and JusticeIn times like this, when I can’t sleep or all I can do is sleep… it’s important to cling to hope. Hope that things are going to change…May 30, 2020May 30, 2020
White Complacency, non-Black POC’s, and the societal racial caste system in the United StatesI was taught to fear interactions with police. Maybe it was because at one point my family immigrated to the US or maybe it was because…May 28, 2020May 28, 2020