End of the semester.

naomi marie
2 min readDec 9, 2016


I’m an adjunct professor at my alma mater. I’ve been teaching Intro to Graphic Design during the fall semester for the last 2 years.

I looked into teaching at first because I was unsatisfied with my day job. Basically, I was doing production — copy & pasting… nothing at all creative.

I needed the energy, I needed the drive, I needed to find the excitement for design again. I also could use the extra cash.

The first class I taught (last year)… let’s just say it was a learning experience. I had a small class, and it was all new to me. The lectures, the assignments… being in charge of the education of young/aspiring designers. The last time I was in a classroom, was when I was the student. I was also starting a new position at the company I work. So, I was burning the candle at both ends. But, I was immersing myself back to where I needed and wanted to be. I started teaching, and I was a creative designer again. Starting too many new things, was hard last year. I don’t think that I did my students justice, and I was too nice and lenient.

This year, I had three times as many students, and things settled down at my day job (for the most part)… I had lectures and projects created and I created new ones. I had a great group of kids, and did some great work. I’m proud that I was able to impact them as much as they impacted me.

There were some break downs, struggles, and some crazy class discussions. I enjoyed seeing my students final projects, and hearing their stories. It’s been a long semester, and I went into this year hoping I could do a great job. I think I did. Today they asked to take a “class picture” with me included. It touched my heart. The student who asked, was one that I didn’t think even wanted to be there when the semester started. Can you say, surprised? It’s been a long road to get to today, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.



naomi marie

I am a person who believes in sharing knowledge so that others may benefit and grow. Our liberation is tied together, so let us resist together.