If someone asked you, “Who are you?” … What would you say?

naomi marie
1 min readDec 8, 2016


Today, I had the honor to be inspired to do something bigger by Ram Castillo. I attended a breakfast presentation hosted by AIGA WM.

That’s why I decided to write this. I always think about sharing my story. I sometimes talk about it… but I never do it. I keep my story to myself… but that’s not how impact works. That’s not how change happens.

That’s not how I can inspire people like Ram inspired me. He asked the audience “Who are you?”… Because how do you know what you want, if you don’t know who you are?

I could tell you that I’m a Mexican-American female, who is the youngest of seven children, who grew up in Gary, Indiana… but does that tell you “Who I am”? No. Those are facts about how I identify.

To tell you who I am:

I am a a good person, who has struggled. I am a graphic designer who has earned everything she has, but still isn’t where she wants to be. I am a mother who doesn’t want to repeat her parents mistakes. I am a dreamer. I am survivor. And every day… I am grateful that I’m alive.



naomi marie

I am a person who believes in sharing knowledge so that others may benefit and grow. Our liberation is tied together, so let us resist together.